Firmware Upgrade
- verify that your COM-port works. Settings: 19200,8n1. Try in MegaTune (or possibly in TerminalProgram: SManmxc, expect something like "comm works")
- unzip the archive. You will see:
- round.chex firmware file
- roundloader.exe native win32 binary
- "UploadFirmware.bat" You need to edit this, and adjust to your COMx port:
- eg. change COM3 => COM2 (whatever applies):
- roundloader.exe -p COM3 -s 19200 -f round.chex -c write
- if you see C:\tmp\STABLE1_0\minrtest\round.chex change it to round.chex
- make sure supply connection is stable. Supply must not drop out during firmware upgrade. If that accident happens, "SSSSSS" flooding would be needed to get it back to life again. Use a good supply, with stable connection
- start "UploadFirmware.bat" from a "run -> cmd" shell, not by clicking on it so you see the output (success or error). Firmware upgrade takes appr 25 seconds.